Monday musings on Australian literature: Some Australian Literature online events for 2012

What better way to kick off Monday Musings in 2012 than by heralding some exciting Australian Literature initiatives from around the ‘net. Here they are, in no particular order:

Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012 Badge

Badge (Design: Book'dout - Shelleyrae)

Australian Women Writers Challenge 2012 by Elizabeth Lhuede. Her aim is to promote women writers across all fields and genres of writing. The challenge involves signing up to read books – in any genre – by Australian women writers. You can focus on one genre or many, you can choose a level that suits you. I don’t usually do challenges, but this one is a no-brainer for me since I always try to read a goodly quantity of Australian literature each year and I love to read books by women. Last year I reviewed at least 14 Australian women writers and, in addition, wrote several posts on specific women writers and women’s literature issues. My aim will be to achieve a Franklin-fantastic Dabbler, that is, I’ll read (and review) at least 10 books by Australian women writers in more than one genre.

Australian Literature badge, by Reading Matters

One of the Australian Literature Month badges (by Reading Matters)

Australian Literature Month by Kim of Reading Matters. She plans to read lots of Australian books during her cold northern January (she would leave Australia!) and encourages readers of her blog, to do the same. As an incentive she has created several gorgeous badges for bloggers to attach to their posts reviewing Aussie books. Since seeing a platypus in the wild is on my bucket list, I have chosen her platypus badge for this post.

Australian National Year of Reading 2012 by WeLove2Read. This project is “a collaborative project joining public libraries, government, community groups, media and commercial partners, and of course the public. As well as creating specific new campaigns for the National Year of Reading, we’ll be using our joint efforts to bring together and showcase the wonderful projects and organisations across Australia which already exist to promote reading and literacy”.  (From the website) Keep an eye on the website for activities and events as they occur during the year.

2012 Aussie Author Challenge by Booklover Book Reviews. The challenge is to “read and review books written by Australian Authors – physical books, ebooks and audiobooks, fiction and non-fiction” (from the blog). There are two challenge levels and, like most challenges, a badge to add to your site. (I added this challenge after the post was published, as the result of Tony‘s recommendation. Thanks Tony.)

And so …

As you start your 2012 reading, do consider including some Aussie Lit into the mix and please let the people above know when you do. They will appreciate knowing that their work has hit some paydirt.

If there are other initiatives that I haven’t listed here, please let me know in the comments below and I will update this list.

18 thoughts on “Monday musings on Australian literature: Some Australian Literature online events for 2012

  1. Gosh, when I get back to my desk I am going to get serious about signing up for some of these. My reading choices are so random lately, but I love reading work by Australian writers, it seems to seep straight into the skin. I’ve just been reading about Gail Jones’ new book, it seems I must catch up with her. I think I’d also be keen to review some small press books or short stories – must promote the cause!

    • Gail Jones. Now she’s one I’ve been meaning to read for a long time, Catherine. I’ve given her books away a couple of times but haven’t managed to read them myself. Must rectify that as all I’ve read about her various books makes me think I’d like her.

  2. Can’t say whether I’ll join any challenges or not due to many other deadlines, but I will add some Aussie fiction or non fiction to the mix in 2012, but it won’t be January.

    • Great Guy … Does Max Barry have one coming out?! That would be a start… I’m actually going to struggle a bit with January too due to other commitments but I’m going to try to fit in at least one or two Aussie authors.

    • Thanks Jo … I will do my best. After all, she’s Australian so that makes it easier to slot her into my schedule eh? Sixty lights and Sorry are the two I’ve been keen to read.

      • I’ve not read Dreams of Speaking, but I second Jo’s choice of Five Bells — it was in my Top 10 reads for 2011. I also highly recommend Sixty Lights.

        Thanks for highlighting my Aust Lit Month — have been amazed by the response. It’s been particular nice hearing from bloggers/blogs I’ve not met/known about before.

        • Thanks kimbofo, I do have to read her don’t I? As for your Aus Lit Month, it’s a pleasure – it’s a great idea. I’m sneaking an Aussie book in right now so I can contribute something (because, oddly for me really, I have a lot of non-Aussie fiction that I “have” to read this month.)

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